Journal Papers
"Using the Social Robot Probo as Social Story Telling Agent for Children with ASD "
B. Vanderborght, R. Simut, J. Saldien, C. Pop, A. Rusu, S. Pintea, D. Lefeber, D. David
Interaction studies (2012)
"How to Achieve the Huggable Behavior of the Social Robot Probo? A Reflection on the Actuators"
K. Goris, J. Saldien, B. Vanderborght, D. Lefeber
Mechatronics, issue 3, vol.21, pp.490 - 500 (2011)
full paper
"Mechanical Design of the Huggable Robot Probo "
K. Goris, J. Saldien, B. Vanderborght, Dirk Lefeber
: International Journal on Humanoid Robotics, vol.8, n. 3, pp.481 - 511 (2011)
full paper
"Expressing emotions with the social robot Probo"
J. Saldien, K. Goris, B. Vanderborght, J. Vanderfaeillie, D. Lefeber
International Journal of Social Robotics, issue 4, vol.2, pp.377 - 389 (2010)
full paper
"On the design of the huggable robot Probo"
J. Saldien, K.Goris, S.Yilmazyildiz, W. Verhelst, D. Lefeber
Journal of Physical Agents, Special Issue on Human Interaction with Domestic Robots, Vol 2, No 2 (2008)
full paper
Conference Papers
"A gesture system for social robots "
G. Van de Perre, R. Simut, B. Vanderborght, J. Saldien, D. Lefeber
HFR 2012, 5th workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics, Brussels, Belgium, October 18-19, 2012.
full paper
"Is the Social Robot Probo an added value for Social Story Intervention for Children with ASD?"
R. Simut, G. Van de Perre, C. Pop, B. Vanderborght, J. Saldien, A. Rusu, S. Pintea, J. Vanderfaeillie, D. Lefeber, D. David
7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI2012), Late-breaking reports (LBR), March 5-8, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp.1 - 2
"Trends and future of social robots for ASD therapies: potential and limits in interaction. "
R. Simut, C. Pop, J. Vanderfaeillie, D. Lefeber, B. Vanderborght
: International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorders. ASD: Tools, Trends and Testimonials.
"Identifying Situation-based Emotions using the Social Robot Probo: A case study in autism spectrum disorders"
C. Pop, R. Simut, S. Pintea, A. Rusu, J. Saldien, J. Vanderfaeillie, D. David, D. Lefeber, B. Vanderborght
International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorders. ASD: Tools, Trends and Testimonials
"About the design of the social robot Probo, facilitator for ASD therapies"
G. Van de Perre, R. Simut, B. Vanderborght, J. Saldien, D. Lefeber
9th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Brussels, 9-10-11 May 2012.
full paper
"The Huggable Social Robot Probo for Social Story Telling for Robot Assisted Therapy with ASD Children"
R. Simut, G. Van de Perre, C. Pop, B. Vanderborght, J. Saldien, A.S. Rusu, S. Pintea, J. Vanderfaeillie, D. Lefeber, D. David
International Conference on Social Robotics, works-in-progress, 23-25.22.2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp.97 - 100
full paper
"Social Stories for Autistic Children Told by the Huggable Robot Probo"
B. Vanderborght, R. Simut, J. Saldien, C. Pop, A.S. Rusu, S. Pintea, D. Lefeber, D. David
Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2011), Twente, Netherlands, 8-9 November.
"The social robot Probo for HRI and therapies for children"
B. Vanderborght, J. Saldien, R. Van Ham, M. Van Damme, D. Lefeber
Fourth EUCogII Members Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece), 11-12 April 2011.
"Social Stories for Autistic Children Told by the Huggable Robot Probo"
B. Vanderborght, R. Simut, J. Saldien, C. Pop, A.S. Rusu, S. Pintea, D. David, D. Lefeber
Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics workshop IROS 26 sept 2011, pp.1 - 6.
"Robots That Care"
R. Looije, J. Arendsen, J. Saldien, B. Vanderborght, J. Broekens, M. Neerincx
Proceedings of ECCE 2010 Conference, 25-27 August 2010, Delft, The Netherlands, pp.301 - 302.
full paper
"The cognitive control system of the huggable robot Probo "
B. Vanderborght, J. Saldien, D. Lefeber
Third EUCogII Members Conference, Palma de Mallorca, 8-9 October 2010, pp.1 - 2.
"Probo, a testbed for Human Robot Interaction"
K. Goris, J. Saldien, D. Lefeber
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human robot interaction, from Human-Robot Interaction 2009, pp.253 - 254.
full paper
"The Huggable Robot Probo, a Multi-disciplinary Research Platform (long)"
K. Goris, J. Saldien, Innes Vanderniepen, D. Lefeber
Eurobot 2008 Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, May 22-24, 2008.
full paper
"The Huggable Robot Probo, a Multi-disciplinary Research Platform (short)"
K. Goris, J. Saldien, Innes Vanderniepen, D. Lefeber
Eurobot 2008 Conference, MATFYZPRESS, ISBN978-80-7378-042-5, pg 63-68, Heidelberg, Germany, May 22-24, 2008.
full paper
"The huggable robot Probo: design of a robotic head"
K. Goris, J. Saldien, B. Vanderborght, D. Lefeber
The Reign of Catz and Dogz, AISB2008, Aberdeen, Scotland, April 1-4, 2008.
full paper
"On the design of an emotional interface for the huggable robot Probo"
J. Saldien, K. Goris, B. Vanderborght, D. Lefeber
The Reign of Catz and Dogz, AISB2008, Aberdeen, Scotland, April 1-4, 2008.
full paper
"Expressive Speech Recognition and Synthesis as Enabling Technologies for Affective Robot-Child Communication"
Selma Yilmazyildiz, Wesley Mattheyses, Yorgos Patsis, and Werner Verhelst
in Y. Zhuang, S. Yang, Y. Rui, Q. He (eds), Advances in Multimedia Information Processing PCM2006, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4261, pp. 1-8, presented at the 7 th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Hangzhou, China, November 2-4, 2006.
full paper
"ANTY : The development of an intelligent huggable robot for hospitalized children"
J. Saldien, K. Goris, B. Vanderborght, B. Verrelst, R. Van Ham, D. Lefeber
9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, September 12 - 14, 2006, Brussels, Belgium
full paper
"The Development of the Eye-System for the Intelligent Huggable Robot ANTY"
K. Goris, J. Saldien, B. Vanderborght, B. Verrelst, R. Van Ham, D. Lefeber
9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, September 12 - 14, 2006, Brussels, Belgium
full paper
Short Papers with/without Poster
"Probo, a Testbed for Human Robot Interaction"
K. Goris, J. Saldien, D. Lefeber
Human Robot Interaction 2009 Conference, San Diego, California, March 11-13, 2009.
full paper
"Probo, a friend for life?"
Kristof Goris, Selma Yilmazyildiz, Jelle Saldien,
Bjrn Verrelst, Werner Verhelst, Dirk Lefeber section in Brave New Interfaces
Jan Cornelis, Marleen
Wynants, editors, Crosstalks, VUB Brussels University
Press, 2007.
"Probo, een knuffelrobot voor gehospitaliseerde kinderen"
Jelle Saldien en Kristof Goris
De Connectie, nummer 4, jaargang 3, November 2008.
artikel (in Dutch)
Master Thesis
Selma Yilmazyildiz, Promotor Prof. Werner Verhelst
Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master's
degree of Applied Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2005-2006
download thesis
Jelle Saldien, Promotor Prof. Dirk Lefeber
Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master's
degree of Product Development, Hogeschool Antwerpen, 2004-2005
download thesis